Tory Chase
Visiting Assistant Professor of Environmental Studies and Sciences Program
Office: CIS 210K
Telephone: 518-580-8105
kristofer covey
Assistant Professor of Environmental Studies and Sciences Program
Office: CIS 210F
Telephone: 518-580-8011
Anne Gallagher Ernst
Environmental Studies and Sciences Program Coordinator / Senior Lecturer
Office: CIS 210H
Telephone: 518-580-5078
Email: agallagh@dos5.net
Nurcan Atalan Helicke
Associate Professor Environmental Studies and Sciences Program
Telephone: 518-580-8372
E-mail: natalanh@dos5.net
Karen Kellogg
Professor of Environmental Studies and Sciences & David H. Porter Chair
Office: CIS 210i
Telephone: 518-580-5198
E-mail: kkellogg@dos5.net
Andrew J. Schneller
Associate Director and Associate Professor of Environmental Studies and Sciences Program
Office: CIS 210G
Telephone: 518.580.8192
Email: aschnell@dos5.net
Personal website here
Andrew Schneller on ResearchGate
Kurt Smemo
Director and Associate Professor Environmental Studies and Sciences Program
Office: CIS 210J
Telephone: 518-580-5218
E-mail: ksmemo@dos5.net